Category: Blog
Who we are, where we come from, where we are going? My big suitcase in Denmark
by Vera
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I painted this anamorphose in Denmark in the same city where my big Alice in Wonderland wall was painted three years ago. I wanted to...
Fogazzaro and his books in Tonezza del Cimone
by Vera
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In july I painted a wall in a small town in Italy: Tonezza del Cimone (VI). It was for the contest/project STArtVicenza and I asked...
Anguane and abyssal fishes in Crespadoro
by Vera
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In june I worked with my friend Fabio Fedele on a long wall in a small town in Italy: Crespadoro. He won a competition to...
To ‘bee’ or not to ‘bee’ anamorphose in Riga
by Vera
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Just after finishing my mural in Zugliano I jumped on a plain to reach Latvia. I already painted in Riga 3 years before and I...
The intuition of light, another wall in Italy, painted in the storm
by Vera
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At the beginning of May I spent ten days in Zugliano, a small town in the Vicenza area, to paint a 4-hand piece of approximately...
Salvador Dalì in my anamorphic piece in Hillerod, Denmark
by Vera
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I just came back from Denmark (country that I really love) where I painted my last 3D pavement piece with a spanish title: La persistència...
Aut Aut, my 6×12 mural in Brescia, Italy
by Vera
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A few text on the meaning in english and then all the story behind the wall in italian (below) “A giant old female holds a...
My painting against plastic in the seas in Antwerp (and vandals on it..)
by Vera
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I left Bulgaria in the night and after crossing the border with Romania I flew from Bucharest Otopeni to Brussels. On my way to Antwerp...
Relations make you flying! 3D street art in Ruse, Bulgaria
by Vera
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In september I came back to Ruse, Bulgaria, for the 3D street art festival. This time I flew there with my friend Fabio Fedele and...
Scambiamoci una storia! My paintings at Marcheno’s new Library
by Vera
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Quest’anno mi è stato chiesto di dipingere alcuni soggetti a tema lettura in una biblioteca di nuova apertura a Marcheno, in Val Trompia. Normalmente non...