On july 12-13 2014 I partecipate again to the International Street Art Festival in Blumberg, a German city situated in the south of the Black Forest near the border to Switzerland. I traveled with my friends Fabio, Ketty and Andrea and it was really a good trip as always with them. There we found our friends from Deutschland, Ukraine and Russia and the organization of the festival, by Clemens Benzing, was good as last year to make us fell at home and enjoy together.
On saturday it rained much and the street became like a river. We made the first linear draw for 3 times and we expected to not finish our works cause the weather on sunday was supposed to be worse. Therefore on sunday it didn’t rain till evening so we could realize our pieces!
I was in the 2D category and I created a piece of about 2 x 3,7 meters. The title was “Frau mit waschbär”. I got the gold medal and the 1st public price. Many people came and loved the piece, asking about the meaning. They also make a time-lapse of my work to create a video dedicated to the festival. I had a young boy drawing close to me and he was very good in english so he translated to me many of the questions that people asked. His name in Timm and he also speaks Russian. He is the boy with yellow shirt in the photo from the building.
On Monday all the international artists were invited to visit the Rothaus brewery in the black forest.