In May I was invited to do a Street Art performance at Twente Biënnale in Enschede, Holland. It took place in public space and at cultural organizations in the urban renewal area Roombeek in the city of Enschede.
It was the second edition of an event with international top artists and young Dutch talents. It brought controversial exhibitions, lectures, performances, music, partner-projects about contemporary art and society today. TB13 was about the history, the near future, but most of all about Europe today: the EU, the crisis, populism, Fortress Europe, Greece, with various contributions by artists, designers, architects, authors, philosophers and others.
The question was: is there a European Identity and what about the position of contemporary art in 2013?
I worked on a street art performance on 3 days creating a 2D piece of 4 x 4 meters in the Museumlaan. I painted the 2 faces of Europe: old and young, opulent and decadent, rich and poor, multicultural but often with no dialog as in a Babel tower, green but seriously polluted, fast changed and at the same time in strong relation with its ancient traditions. All under the sight of a big camera, we are always observed, don’t forget it!
I was glad to paint close to the fantastic artist and friend Leon Keer. The third day also Valentina Sforzini and Tony Cuboliquido came to make their own pieces at Biennale.
This was the Biennale schedule: