The Mexican dream came. From 21 to 24 November I was invited to be “Artista de Exhibicìon” at Colores de Jalisco 2013, “Festival Internacional de Arte sobre el Piso”, the annual chalk event in Guadalajara, Mexico.
It was a really exciting experience and I could visit the city and also some of the big amazing Orozco frescoes downtown. It was my first time in Mexico.
As a street painter I worked 3 days on a 3D pavement piece with two of the best Mexican street painters: Adry del Rocìo and Carlos Alberto Garcìa, sister and brother, great persons and friends too. In the Exhibicìon section we draw our 3D piece very close to the 2 artworks of the masters Juandrés Vera & Luis Ramirez Guzmán and Tony Cuboliquido.
Our 3D piece, “El sueno de un pintor”, was 4 x 7 meters long and it was homage to Salvador Dalì. I worked in particular on the Dalì’s face, a big anamorphic portrait.
All the photos are by Bernardo Garcìa