From 18 September until 21 September I performed at the first World Streetpainting Festival in Arnhem, The Netherlands. We were 15 featured international artists. The theme was the 70 anniversary of the slag of Arnhem, a battle of the World War II. The curator of this first edition was my friend Leon Keer, wonderful artist.
I created a 2D piece of 3,4 x 3,1 meters in Bovenbeekstraat. The title was “Remembering”. I drew an old bearded man with the Airborne purple cap showing a picture of a young german soldier. The two men look like the same person young and old. That’s to say that there is no glorious in war. The man you are shooting is the mirror of you. A veteran there told me that he loved my piece cause it’s true that very often we are only puppets.
Unfortunately I cannot finish my artwork cause of rain! It was a pity cause I think it would be a good work at final with the hand carring the picture and the details of beard. I’ll post a video of the painting just 10 minutes before rain.